Monitoring & Evaluation

We use different project management tools to actively ensure that monitoring, learning, and evaluation are integrated throughout the project cycle. An MLE plan is an active and dynamic part of the project management cycle for all projects. It ensures that monitoring, learning, and evaluation are integrated throughout the project cycle. We believe in implementing the Routine Data Quality Assessment (RDQA) to self-assess the quality of a program M&E data recorded in the database and strengthen data management and reporting systems. Specifically, it contributes to increasing the capacity of M&E in the implementation of the local data collection and management system. As part of ongoing program management, routine data quality checks help identify the gaps and monitor necessary improvements in the system’s ability to produce high-quality data.
Ipas conduct client exit interviews (CEI) for all the projects where services provision is involved in assessing client satisfaction and quality of care measurement; CEI primarily intends to help Ipas build evidence for our client’s profile while capturing important aspects of the client experience. Improving abortion knowledge, attitude, practices, and intentions of community members, health workers, and policy stakeholders is the prime goal of Ipas interventions. Therefore Ipas M&E includes KAPI measurement within all our immediate outcomes. Ipas researchers developed a Global Abortion KAPI Survey through cognitive testing in Pakistan, Bolivia, and DRC. These tools are the global means of verification for measuring knowledge, attitudes, practices, and intentions (KAPI) related to abortion and contraception, and they contain the minimum required questions that should be included in any KAPI survey.
Ipas has developed a validated scale to measure abortion stigma. This scale evaluates the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce abortion stigma, design programs to promote favorable attitudes toward abortion, development of messages for advocacy activities.