Family Planning – A Global Handbook for Providers
This handbook provides updated accurate and practical guidance to support program managers and providers in delivering high-quality family planning counseling, services and care
This handbook provides updated accurate and practical guidance to support program managers and providers in delivering high-quality family planning counseling, services and care
Training Maunal for Healh professionals including doctors and midlevels (Nurses and Midwives) on safe postabortion care across Pakistan
Training Maunal for Healh professionals including doctors and midlevels (Nurses and Midwives) on safe postabortion care across Pakistan
Guide on Medical Abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol, misoprostol only and medical treatment for incomplete abortion, missed abotion or intrauterine fetal demise (postabortion care) for before and after 13 weeks gestation
Step by step guide on performing Instrument processing, including point of use preperation, cleaning and disassembly of instruments, processing options, storage and use
This flyer/leaflet provides information on use of misoprostol for missed abortion
Project was undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada